Fuel Additive Compare 2 Companies

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AXI (Algae-X International) manufactures diesel fuel optimization and tank cleaning technology. Our Green Clean® Certified equipment restores and conditions diesel fuel, removes water, sludge and sediment from tanks and ensures engine protection and reliability. Represented in over 70 countries...

Amalgamated Inc

Rating: 5/5 - 2 reviews

USA B-20 Winterizer WDA Ultra Soy Additive: USA B-20 WINTERIZER® WDA ULTRA SOY ADDITIVE was specifically formulated for soybean based fuel and bio-diesel blends. The Problem: B-100 Soy Methyl Ester (100% whole soy bean based fuel) and soy/diesel (bio-diesel) blends (B-2, B-5, B-10, B-20) are typically cold weather protection...
Learn more about USA B-20 Winterizer WDA Ultra Soy Additive