KTA-Tator, Inc. (KTA) is a consulting engineering firm founded in 1949. KTA provides coating consulting and construction inspection services, steel fabrication and concrete inspection services, Non-Destructive Testing, laboratory testing, and coating failure analysis. KTA also stocks and...
CUES is the world's leading manufacturer of closed circuit television video (CCTV) inspection/rehabilitation/pipe profiling equipment and asset inspection/decision support software for sanitary and storm sewers, industrial process lines, and water lines. For over 50 years, CUES has provided...
DTG2 Underwater ROV: Deep Trekker ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) allow municipalities and contractors the ability to conduct routine underwater infrastructure inspections. Deep Trekker DTG2 and DTX2 ROVs are submersible robots equipped with state-of-the-art HD cameras that provide clear images to a handheld...
Learn more about DTG2 Underwater ROV
Model C-300 Density-Moisture Gauge: The Model C-300 Analyzer with its Untouchable mode, offers the fastest testing capability in the industry. Untouchable reduces the gauge's sensitivity to uneven surfaces. It reduces your labor costs dramatically. In today's economy, it will give you that important competitive edge!
The C-300...
Learn more about Model C-300 Density-Moisture Gauge
Durable, reliable pipeline inspection equipment from the most trusted CCTV company in the industry.
Manufacturers of TracerLine® Leak Detection Products