Manufacturer of Dredges, Pumps, Sludge Removal Systems for Handling Slurries, Residuals, Biosolids, Tailings, Sediment, Fly Ash. Manned, Remote Controlled & Fully Automated Dredges. Custom Design/Engineering. Rent or Buy. Portable Power Units and trailer pumps also designed and built at the...
Monster Industrial marine sewage system grinders are used to keep your onboard wastewater system flowing freely. They grind up all kinds of debris into small particles minimizing solids backups that require clean out. This not only reduces maintenance costs, but also protects the health of the...
BIO DREDGE® Sludge Reducer: BIO DREDGE® is a probiotic formulation of organic acids, natural biological systems, buffers, nutrients, and energy systems which enhances biological degradation. It is non-toxic, concentrated and easy to use.
BIO DREDGE® oxidizes wastewater lagoon sludge into carbon dioxide through an...
Learn more about BIO DREDGE® Sludge Reducer
Digester Cleaning Services