Telemetering Systems, Water & Electric Compare 4 Companies

Compare and researchWater Electric Telemetering System companies and businesses online.

Electronic Sensors, Inc. (“ESI”) provides monitoring instruments, and data service, for tracking and reporting fluid levels and volumes (liquids and gasses) in all types of bulk fluid tanks. ESI is today one of America’s leading bulk fluid instrument manufacturers and data services — with...

Your technology solution for water treatment. Our BobAlert wireless remote alarm & monitor, microelectronics flow switches, conductivity sensors, and flow manifolds will eliminate your water treatment problems. They retrofit directly with your favorite controller and manifold without re-plumbing.

F.S. Brainard & Co. manufactures flow & pressure recorders & sensors. Flow products are designed for use with water meters. We also distribute wireless data logging and signal transmission devices. We specialize in providing turnkey solutions for collecting and analyzing water consumtion...