DEEP1 Markers for Utilities

Available from Berntsen International Inc
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Find buried PVC and all utilities economically and quickly

DEEP1 magnetic markers gives you fast, low cost, permanent, and precise magnetic location for all underground utilities
Ideal for all subsurface marking...can be buried deep and away from surface digging.
Berntsen magnetic markers are the standard of underground location. Hundreds of thousands of our magnetic markers are in use in nearly every aspect of industry and government.

DEEP1 markers take chance out of equation in marking and mapping underground locations. For example, suppose you have a buried PVC (gas, water, sewer, etc.) pipeline or plastic phone duct and need to find a "T" "Y" or stub. With a DEEP1, no time is wasted hooking up for a tone test set. No need to worry that a tracer tape or wire is broken. Search the area with a Schonstedt magnetic locator you can find the exact spot you need.

The DEEP1 consists of a high-strength, permanent magnetic material in a rugged
polyethylene color-coded case and can be located up to 10 feet (3.05m).

The DEEP1 Magnetic Underground Marker for Utilities is available in five colors, which represent the various color designations for the different types of utilities (as established by the Underground Service Alert (U.S. Center) and the American Public Works Association (APWA). Colors include: Blue (water), Green (sewer), Orange (communications, Red (electric, Yellow (gas).

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