Mesa Industries

4141 Airport Road
Cincinnati, OH 45226-1643

About Mesa Industries

Mesa Rubber Company manufactures floating roof drain systems, storage tank drains, AST drains, tank drains, aboveground storage tank drain hose, tank drains, EFRT drain, IFRT drain, skimmer systems, oil skimmers, floating roof seal systems, primary and secondary seal fabrics, primary curtain seals, secondary curtian seals, wedge seals, extruded wiper tips, gauge pole covers, roof leg boots, roof leg socks, vapor bladders, tube seals, foam log seals, foam delivery systems, geomembranes for both primary and secondary containment, flexible storage tanks, portable berm systems, pillow tanks, collapsible storage tanks, vapor collections systems, gas holder curtain seals, floating roof pontoon liners, emission controls for aboveground storage tanks and a variety of other specialty products and accessories.

Competitors of Mesa Industries

Naylor Pipe Company

At ADS, we have seen the enormous cost of rebuilding yesterday's infrastructure as metals and concrete complete their often limited service life. Today, the engineered plastic systemis a reality, providing better hydraulic performance, extended service life, and reductions in installation and... Read More

The Logan Clay Products Company manufactures Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP). VCP has been used in sanitary sewers in the U.S.A. for over 200-years. The longest service life of any sanitary sewer pipe coupled with all natural raw materials make VCP the most sustainable product available. Read More