Revenue Discovery Systems

2317 Third Ave N, STE 200
Birmingham, AL 35203

About Revenue Discovery Systems

Our Mission is Simple - Raise Revenue, Not Taxes!SM

As the demand for time, money and resources continue to grow, today’s public sector is being forced to think and manage differently. RDS understands the issues facing state and local governments. Issues including demands to raise revenues, enhance productivity and increase visibility with its taxpayers.

RDS provides revenue enhancement support services to state and local government in the areas of:

Revenue Administration
Delinquent Collection
Revenue Discovery/Recovery
Compliance Audit Examination

We are using more than 27 years of government services experience to help our 600+ current clients grow their revenues to better serve their constituents. RDS is committed to helping state and local government “Raise Revenue, Not Taxes!SM”

Competitors of Revenue Discovery Systems

Our Mission is Simple - Raise Revenue, Not Taxes!SM As the demand for time, money and resources continue to grow, today’s public sector is being forced to think and manage differently. RDS understands the issues facing state and local governments. Issues including demands to raise revenues,... Read More