Geoweb® Channel Protection System

Available from Presto Geosystems
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The Presto Geoweb® Channel Protection System is a proven solution for stabilizing and protecting channels exposed to erosive conditions of all types. Whether low or high flows, intermittent or continuous, the Geoweb system can be designed to withstand even the highest velocities.

The Geoweb system offers sustainable protection for channels of all types:

Vegetated Protection: Replaces costly rip rap with lower-maintenance, less expensive stabilized vegetation. Effective in low-flow channels and when low-to-high intermittent flows occur. Combined with a TRM, the vegetated Geoweb system can withstand velocities as high as 30 ft/sec (9m/sec).

Aggregate Protection: Aggregate confined in the Geoweb system is more stable than unconfined aggregate. That means smaller, less expensive infill can be used in low-to-moderate flow conditions

Concrete Hard-Armor Protection: For channels exposed to severe hydraulic stresses, the Geoweb system's formwork allows concrete to be poured on-site and creates an easy-to-install, flexible hard-armored system that is less costly than pre-formed concrete systems.

Multi-Layered Protection: When layered, Geoweb channels create natural living retaining walls that can withstand high flows for short durations. They can tolerate reasonable differential settlement in soft soil environments and maintain their structural integrity.

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