Band Shells/Stages Compare 3 Companies

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Showmobile Mobile Stage: Professional-looking events are easy with the Showmobile(R). This all-in-one unit can be towed almost anywhere, and is wired for sound and lights. Fast, user-friendly set-up reduces labor costs. Rental revenue can help offset its purchase price. The wireless remote control automatically...
Learn more about Showmobile Mobile Stage

Bridges, Shelters, Pavilions, Gazebos, Equestrian Arenas, Architectural Beams, Light Poles. Design and manufacturing of laminated wood products, selling and shipping across the USA. Selling customer-direct in most areas. 800.777.8648

For over five decades, Brown United has been one of the top providers of concert stages, audience risers, bleachers, and other grandstand seating; roofing, barricades, theater seats, sound stages, scaffolding and more! Brown United is dedicated to providing the best available structural...