Manufacturer and distributor of vehicle safety lighting and traffic control products including arrow boards, arrow lights, light bars, strobe and rotating beacons, auxiliary lighting, backup alarms and video collision avoidance systems.
Sonar Safety Systems, Inc. (SSSI) is one of eight business units of the multi-national Tanhay Group employing over 700 employees worldwide. The SSSI product line includes Rear Obtacle Detection Systems (RODS), our flagship Integrated Combination Unit (providing two types of back-up mediums:...
Leading supplier of mirrors, cameras and complete vision systems and quality parts to niche Truck, RV and Bus markets.
Car Vision: The INTEC Car Vision® product line represents the most complete offering of heavy-duty and high-performance mobile safety camera and collision avoidance systems available.
From the Extreme Duty CVCXL Series Cameras to the ultra-rugged and waterproof IP68 rated CVD Series Displays and CVS...
Learn more about Car Vision