Logiball manufactures a complete line of multisize test plugs , bypass plugs ,carriers for CIP point repairs and test & seal grouting packers for the trenchless rehabilitation of collection systems. Logiball also manufactures and distributes auxliary equipment used for the maintenance and...
Closed Circuit Television Video (CCTV) Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation Equipment: CUES is the world's leading manufacturer of closed circuit television video (CCTV) inspection,rehabilitation, pipe profiling equipment and pipeline inspection/asset management software for sanitary and storm sewers, industrial process lines, and water lines.For over 40 years, CUES has provided...
Learn more about Closed Circuit Television Video (CCTV) Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation Equipment
Infiltration Control (Chemical Grouting): Our combination Digital Television Inspection/Sewer Joint Sealing service provides a guaranteed solution to the problem of excessive infiltration, without costly excavation, disruption of traffic, or by-pass pumping of sewage.
When a leak is located by the television camera, our technician...
Learn more about Infiltration Control (Chemical Grouting)
Infiltration Control (Chemical Grouting): Our combination Digital Television Inspection/Sewer Joint Sealing service provides a guaranteed solution to the problem of excessive infiltration, without costly excavation, disruption of traffic, or by-pass pumping of sewage.
When a leak is located by the television camera, our technician...
Learn more about Infiltration Control (Chemical Grouting)
Avanti is a producer of chemical grouts used to control groundwater infiltration in above and below grade structures. Stopping leaks, stabilizing soil, and encapsulating hazardous waste, Avanti products serve more grouting contractors, municipalities and geotechnical professions than any other...
Parson Environmental Products, Inc. was established in 1985 when we developed a product, which was aptly named a Parson Manhole Insert, to eliminate stormwater inflow into sanitary sewer manholes, along with a line of proprietary manhole infiltration products. Among them were cementitious leak...
DeNeef has been the world’s leading Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer for 30 years; Producing products such as SUPERFLEX, a durable flexible ACRYLATE with set times of 3-seconds to 3-hours! Also manufacturing injectable tubes, waterstops, Microfine® cements, methacrylates, epoxies, polyurethanes…