Sewer Testing and Inspection Compare 4 Companies

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Our field of expertise is inspection. UCI provides NBIS certified bridge inspection, dam, pipeline & infrastructure inspection, construction management, repair & maintenance, and consulting. We offer pipeline mapping and depth of cover,sub bottom profiling, cable locating, magnetometer surveys,...

Digital Television Inspection: Using the latest CCTV equipment and reporting methods, we can provide unmatched quality, flexibility and reliability in sewer inspection. Trouble spots, such as cracked or broken tiles, offset joints, and blockages are quickly and precisely located without excavation. Our software produces the...
Learn more about Digital Television Inspection

Manufacturer & Distributor of AccuTrak hand-held Ultrasonic Instruments for Plant Maintenance to check Bearings, Steam Traps, Pumps, Motors, Electric Arc and Corona, and many other PM/PdM uses; also hand-held Ultrasonic Leak Detectors for finding leaks of any Refrigerant, any Gas, Compressed...

Sewer System Studies: Our experts have helped hundreds of municipalities and industries across the country meet EPA regulations. Working under the direction of the consulting engineer, we can handle all or any part of your correction program; from beginning analysis through the rehabilitation of the entire system.
Learn more about Sewer System Studies